Home Artists Joe Katana Love

Katana Love

Characters: Durarara,

24 January 2017
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  • Phllbrun: Thanks for the response, Joe. Hopefully that will not be needed. Been waiting awhile for you to be back here on FanPixxx and made that request as soon as I saw you were back and tagged it as my holiday request. I can imagine trying to balance being fair to newcomers and regular members is tricky though.
    25 Jan 2017 21:16
  • joe: Thanks. I did see your request and it's in my queue. I did however did the requests from members I've never received requests from before first (wait. did that make sense? LOL!) But I do have your request lined-up. As normal, if it takes too long or if I'm not on fanpixxx, you can redirect your request to whoever artist is present at the site at that time. Thanks again!
    25 Jan 2017 15:57
  • joe: Glad you liked it. You are welcome. Enjoy!
    25 Jan 2017 15:47
  • Oggy: Marvelous and glorious cosplay art !!! anri unbelievably atractive and sexy in this costume. Thank you very much Joe
    25 Jan 2017 04:11
  • Phllbrun: Well done, Joe. Quick question, did I make a request again too soon, or did my holiday request get lost? Hate to ask (and normally don't, I know you guys get a lot of requests), but I noticed mine got skipped in the order. Thanks.
    24 Jan 2017 19:49