Home Artists JoeH Detective's Perfect Affair

Detective's Perfect Affair

By Request from SennaFan: https://www.sankakucomplex.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IsekaiHaremMonogatari-EroAnime-Episode1-PV-8.jpg Based on the link, have Kazuha Toyama (left) with yellow ribbon in ponytail and Sonoko Suzuki (right) having sex with Shinichi Kudo (bottom) with the same facial expression, including Ran Mouri (middle) with exciting expression to join the fun. All of them are naked, have Kazuha and Sonoka same breasts size from link, and have Ran's natural (not from the link), and all with pink nipples. Instead of the link, Shinichi will be holding Sonoko's hand and Kazuha's hand will be on her thigh. Background will be bedroom.

Characters: Kazuha Toyama, Sonoko Suzuki, Ran Mouri, Shinichi Kudo,

Tags: Kazuha Toyama, Sonoko Suzuki, Ran Mouri, Shinichi Kudo,

24 May 2021
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  • SennaFan: Thank you Joeh!
    24 May 2021 20:21